Sunday, August 1, 2010

Our Tribe!!!

On the week 2 we have to characterize our tribe on how we want to be recognize by others.

First thing we have to do the mind map thing to see what is something that bring us together as a tribe.
This is our mind map, and it's kind of difficult to find a thing in common between the others member of the tribe. Suddenly we just realize that we all really quite so we took it as our characterize as a tribe.

Second thing we have to make a paragraph about our tribe.
This is our tribe paragraph
"we are four quite different people who try to find some similarity between us by doing the same thing that we like, which is designing something new with a lot of passions"

Third thing we have to take a sentence from the paragraph.
The sentence is "we are quite but we actually working"

Fourth thing we have to minimize the sentence into a word only to characterize our tribe.
We came out with "quite" and "individuals"
And as the final result we all chose the "QUITE" one for our tribe.

After all of that progress we have to make our own tribe symbols from the word that we chose. Because we chose 'quite' as our tribe characteristic the symbols pretty much like this

It all about to emphasize the "QUITE" word.

This is our final tribe symbol that we are going to use.
It's basically a hand motion that asked you to be quite.

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