Sunday, September 5, 2010

Week 8 - Pixel Portrait

For week 8 homework we got to make a pixel portrait from 5 staffs of Billy Blue.
Desiree told us to make it on the Photoshop and i think she's right it is much more easier than make it using Illustrator.
And this is pretty much what i've done...

1. Neil Barret - Program Director of Communication Design

2. Simon Harris - Lecture

3. Andrew Barnum - Head College

4. Stephen Andrews - Deputy Head of College

5. Nigel Bailey - Lecture

6. Desiree DeKlerk - Lecture

Thursday, September 2, 2010

New Green Symbol

Nigel gives the class additional week to do the final symbol.
So, we decide to make all new symbol and choose one of them to use as our final green symbol.
This is pretty much what i've been doing :)
What do you think??

Monday, August 30, 2010

Revolution Symbol - Che Guevara

Che Guevara is one legendary people who fight for revolutionary. Now he becomes one of the most popular revolutionary symbol.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Revolutionary Symbol


Part of the official seal of the city of Louisville, the fleur-de-lis is a symbol that represents French aid given during the Revolutionary War.


Yin and Yang are the underlying principles of Chinese philosophy and medicine. Good health is believed to come from a balance of Yin (negative, dark, and feminine) and Yang (positive, bright, and masculine).
And this symbol is now become a symbol for goodness and bad.

Week 6 - ReBus

What is Rebus???
Rebus is a kind of word puzzle that use picture to represent the word.

This is one example of popular Rebus that has been used as the symbol of IBM.

In week 6 class exercise, each group have to make a rebus from a famous quote.
This is my rendering Rebus :D

And finally our group chose to make a rebus from a quote "Knowledge is Power"

Monday, August 23, 2010

Barangaroo Green Campaign Symbol

In week 6, all the group have to present their final symbol for the green campaign of Barangaroo.

At class, my group is already discuss what symbol that we are going to use as the final symbol.
This is pretty much what we've been doing on the sketch book.
For the first time we didn't even know what symbol that we are going to choose (too many sketch too many idea but none of it really works)

And finally we decide to use the heart-shaped leaves.
The concept is to tell people that "Green is Healthy"
We symbolized green by using the leaves and health by using the heart-shaped as we usually define as our heart.
This was our inspiration

Then we try to make it as a symbol using illustration.

This is another symbol that we make, we try to symbolized a leaves in abstract way.

That is pretty much what we are making and we just have to decide which one that we are going to use as our final symbol.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Combination of Symbols

This is a video of The Combination of Symbols.
In this video we can see that how a symbol has turned into so many shape and got a new look of perspective but still keep the true meaning of the symbol itself.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

A Symbol That Gradually Have Another Meaning

I think this ribbon symbol now a days have so many meaning than just a symbol for AIDS.
This ribbon grows into a symbol for other campaign also.

Week 4 - Road Sign

On week 4 class exercise we were asked to make a symbol for the road sign.
I suppose it's not an ordinary road sign symbol :)
This is pretty much of what I did.


My country's superstition is a quite same with the others, especially the asian country.

One of the superstition that i remember is that the "Black Cat".
There are two version that includes this black cat.
One - They told me if we were walking then suddenly a black cat across in front of us then we will get a bad luck during the day.
Two - If there is a corpse (that just died) and was jumped by a black cat then that corpse can suddenly awake again.

Chinese Superstition
My father just told me that why chinese always wear a red colour in each celebration is because red means good fortune.
In ancient time there was this big scary monster that always kill the villagers. Then one day all the villagers use red cloth to throw the monster away and it works. Since that day red always become the colour of chinese people on their celebration to define a good fortune and successful.


For me Group is a name when two people or more working together to accomplish one thing. In a group different people working together, share their idea to get a final result that was agreed by all the people in those group.

In a group it's not always end up successful and all happy with that, sometimes there are annoying and un-working people. But, when it comes to a professional personality all the people in that 1 group have to work it out until they really accomplish what they got to do.

There are so many ways to define a group. For example; student, nationality, employers, gender, and so many other ways.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Week 3 - Humpty Dumpty

On week 3 class exercise we have to make the Humpty Dumpty illustration.

I have two version of my Humpty Dumpty. Actually I just change the colour of Mr. Humpty Dumpty.

This one is the Black and White version.

This one is the coloured version.

Hope you guys found it interesting :).

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Week 2 - Group Symbol

On week two the assessment is changing againnnnn we have to capture a group symbol. This is what i've been capturing.... hopefully this is the right one because i don't really sure about it (kind of difficult to find)

Unilever symbol

Woolworths symbol

Recycle symbol

Victoria Police symbol

Variety Club Sunshine Coach symbol in Melbourne

National Trust symbol

Victorian Tourism symbol

Australian Tourism symbol

Toilet group symbol

Our Tribe!!!

On the week 2 we have to characterize our tribe on how we want to be recognize by others.

First thing we have to do the mind map thing to see what is something that bring us together as a tribe.
This is our mind map, and it's kind of difficult to find a thing in common between the others member of the tribe. Suddenly we just realize that we all really quite so we took it as our characterize as a tribe.

Second thing we have to make a paragraph about our tribe.
This is our tribe paragraph
"we are four quite different people who try to find some similarity between us by doing the same thing that we like, which is designing something new with a lot of passions"

Third thing we have to take a sentence from the paragraph.
The sentence is "we are quite but we actually working"

Fourth thing we have to minimize the sentence into a word only to characterize our tribe.
We came out with "quite" and "individuals"
And as the final result we all chose the "QUITE" one for our tribe.

After all of that progress we have to make our own tribe symbols from the word that we chose. Because we chose 'quite' as our tribe characteristic the symbols pretty much like this

It all about to emphasize the "QUITE" word.

This is our final tribe symbol that we are going to use.
It's basically a hand motion that asked you to be quite.

Saturday, July 24, 2010

In class exercise

While in class we got some interesting exercise, we have to make an object from a piece of paper or we can call it tangrams.
This is the one that I made on class

1. Animal
a camel

2. Action figure
looks like an owl wearing mask :D

3. Plant / Flower

4. Face

5. Vehicle
a plane that more looks like a fish

6. Appliance
a tea pot
big glass