Saturday, July 24, 2010

In class exercise

While in class we got some interesting exercise, we have to make an object from a piece of paper or we can call it tangrams.
This is the one that I made on class

1. Animal
a camel

2. Action figure
looks like an owl wearing mask :D

3. Plant / Flower

4. Face

5. Vehicle
a plane that more looks like a fish

6. Appliance
a tea pot
big glass

Week 1 - Directional Symbol

Finally we already on class again :) time to get busy all the time!
Well, on the first class Nigel and Desiree ask us to capture 5 examples of directional symbols that do not use arrows.
I already captured some symbols and I hope this is the right one :P

1. Exit door

2. Place where Fire Extinguisher is

3. Red Light Camera

4. Cross the street here

5. Speed Limit

6. Exit door to another carriage on train