Sunday, September 5, 2010

Week 8 - Pixel Portrait

For week 8 homework we got to make a pixel portrait from 5 staffs of Billy Blue.
Desiree told us to make it on the Photoshop and i think she's right it is much more easier than make it using Illustrator.
And this is pretty much what i've done...

1. Neil Barret - Program Director of Communication Design

2. Simon Harris - Lecture

3. Andrew Barnum - Head College

4. Stephen Andrews - Deputy Head of College

5. Nigel Bailey - Lecture

6. Desiree DeKlerk - Lecture

Thursday, September 2, 2010

New Green Symbol

Nigel gives the class additional week to do the final symbol.
So, we decide to make all new symbol and choose one of them to use as our final green symbol.
This is pretty much what i've been doing :)
What do you think??